Hello Guys!
Artistry Men #ArtistryMen line has 5 products. They are :
1. Gentle Face Wash
2. Balancing Hydrator
3. Serum Concentrate
4. Enviving Emulsion
5. Smooth Shave Foam
Because, I don't do shave often, so I'm only using 4 products : Gentle Face Wash, Balancing Hydrator, Serum Concentrate, and Enviving Emulsion.
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Balancing Hydrator, Gentle Face Wash, Enviving Emulsion |
So, here it is my experience of using Artistry Men products from my daily routine :
1. Gentle Face Wash
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#ArtistryMen by Ravi Agustiana |
Well, actually I'm a typical person who is afraid of trying a new face wash specially a men facewash. Because, sometimes whether I tried my friend's face wash (men face wash), it's too strong and dehydrating my face. Sometimes it made my skin became harsh and made an acne came out :(
After the first time I tried this Artistry Men Gentle Face Wash, I felt my face is super clean without feeling dehydrated. I fell in love with this face wash from the first time I used it. And I know that Artistry Men Gentle Face Wash is really gentle and safe for all skin type because it doesn't have a lot of suds (please do google about suds effect for skin). It also contains Dermasync� Complex which is balancing oil and also keeping the skin moist. That's why Artistry Men Gentle Face Wash is very suitable for all skin type.
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Artistry Men Gentle Face Wash Texture |
And other things that I love from Artistry Men Gentle Face Wash is the texture of the face wash itself. It's dense like a paste and but easy to swab.
And after 3 weeks using it, there is no acne popped out on my face (yeay!) If you are asking me "Are you going to continue using Artistry Men Gentle Face Wash?" and my answer is going to be "Definitely YES!"
2. Balancing Hydrator
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#ArtistryMen by Ravi Agustiana |
First impression of using this Balancing Hydrator : it smells really GOOD! And most people think that this is a perfume or something like that. But seriously, it's really bring up some energy and freshness after using Balancing Hydrator.
Well, Balancing Hydrator is definitely not a perfume but it's a toner. It is used right after you wash your face. It is refreshing and balancing your skin pH (specially after you do shaving).
I really LOVE this Balancing Hydrator specially when I feel so tired in day-time need to be refreshed again and also this made me feel relax before I went to my bed.
3. Serum Concentrate
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#ArtistryMen by Ravi Agustiana |
I use the Serum Concentrate after I used Balancing Hydrator. It's really does feel really good on your skin! It permeates so quickly, so you are going to feel your skin good instantly. I use the Serum Concentrate lightly in day and apply some on eye (under the eye) area before I go to sleep. And it slightly made my tired eyes gone after 3 weeks using it. And it's not making my face more oily (my face type oily to normal) but moist.
4. Enviving Emulsion
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#ArtistryMen by Ravi Agustiana |
Enviving Emulsion is a very light moisturizer. I think it's not an oil based moisturizer but water ones. Because I feel a little wet but not oily after using the Enviving Emulsion. It permeates quickly also leave a soft touch on your skin.
I rarely using the enviving emulsion because I'm a outdoor person so Serum Concentrate is enough for me to hydrate my skin. But I think it's going to be very suitable for people who spent their daytime in a room with Air Conditioner.
So, this is my daily routine of using Artistry Men Products :
First, I wash my face using Gentle Face Wash,
and then after that I apply the Balancing Hydrator by pouring it a little bit then pat them to all over my face and neck,
the third step is that I apply lightly Serum Concentrate to my face and also neck.
First, I wash my face with Gentle Face Wash,
and then I apply the Balancing Hydrator by pouring it to my hand then pat them to all over my face and neck,
after that I apply Serum Concentrate to my face and also neck,
I also put some extra Serum Concentrate on my under-eye area,
Final step is I apply lightly Enviving Emulsion.
Thank you guys for reading my story of using Artistry Men products #ArtistryMen. Hope it would help you and inform you all about the products. Feel free to leave a comment if you guys have any question or maybe experience of using Artistry Men product too.
PS : For my Indonesian fellow readers, please click READ MORE to read the review in BAHASA.
Hi semuanya!
Gue kembali lagi setelah sekitar kurang lebih 3 minggu pake produk Artistry. Ok, jadi Artistry ini baru negeluarin lini / seri untuk cowok yang bernama Artistry Men. Produk Artistry sebelumnya dikenal sebagai merk kosmetik + perawatan untuk cewek, tapi kali ini Artistry ngeluarin 5 produk dari lini Artistry Men #ArtistryMen :
1. Gentle Face Wash
2. Balancing Hydrator
3. Serum Concentrate
4. Enviving Emulsion
5. Smooth Shave Foam
Karena gue jarang cukur jenggot/kumis jadi gue cuma ambil 4 produk dari Artistry Men yaitu Gentle Face Wash (Sabun Cuci Muka), Balancing Hydrator (Toner/Penyegar), Serum Concentrate dan juga Enviving Emulsion (Pelembab).
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#ArtistryMen by Ravi Agustiana |
Tapi sebelum gue berbagi pengalaman gue selama 3 minggu pemakaian produk Artistry Men ini, gue mau sedikit cerita tentang kondisi kulit muka gue, Jadi,kulit muka gue ini cenderung berminyak ke normal. Dan gue termasuk salah satu dari banyak orang yang punya masalah di T Area (dari jidat ke hidung). Yep!
Daerah itu memproduksi lebih banyak minyak dibandingan area kulit muka lainnya.
Daerah itu memproduksi lebih banyak minyak dibandingan area kulit muka lainnya.
Oke, sekarang lanjut ke cerita gue selama pemakaian produk Artistry Men selama 3 minggu ini :
1. Gentle Face Wash
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#ArtistryMen Gentle Face Wash |
Jadi,seperti yang gue tulis diatas tentang kondisi wajah yang berminyak ke normal ini gabisa pake sabun cuci muka yang khusus kulit berminyak. Awalnya gue agak ragu pas nyoba Artistry Men gentle face wash ini, eh tapi malah jatuh cinta pertama kali pemakaian!
Iya! Setelah cuci muka, kulit berasa bersih tapi tetep lembab. Biasanya kalau salah produk pencuci muka, kulit wajah gue ini bakalan kering kerontang dan kenceng,tapi ini enggak. Produk pencuci muka Artistry Men ini formulanya ringan, gue udah bisa nebak ini pas coba gosok sabunnya ke tangan. Busa yang sedikit nunjukin bahwa bahan-bahan yang tergantung di Gentle Face Wash ini ringan. Apalagi setelah gue baca kalau Gentle Face Wash ini mengandung Dermasync� Complex yang nyeimbangin produksi minyak di wajah tapi ngebuat wajah tetep lembab. Makanya Gentle Face Wash ini cocok untuk segala jenis wajah terutama orang Indonesia.
Oiya,yang bikin gue makin suka dan jatuh cinta ama Artistry Men Gentle Face Wash ini adalah wanginya. Gak terlalu strong tapi tetep bikin kita ngerasa kalem dan relaks. Dan setelah pemakaian 3 minggu ini, belum ada jerawat yang muncul. Yeay! Kalau ada yang tanya "Rav,bakalan lanjut pake Gentle Face Wash?" Jawaban gue udah pasti "Yess! Udah pasti."
2. Balancing Hydrator
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#ArtistryMen by Ravi Agustiana |
Kesan pertama pas pake Balancing Hydrator: wanginyaaaaa enak banget! Sampe banyak yang nyangka alau ini itu parfum atau wewangian lainnya. Tapi serius, wanginya bikin seger tapi tetep kalem.
Balancing Hydrator adalah Toner yang dipake setelah mencuci muka. Cara gue make Balancing Hydrator itu pertama tuang dulu ke telapak tangan, terus langkah kedua sedikit diratain ke seluruh telapak tangan,abis itu tepuk-tepuk pelan ke wajah (cara ini terinspirasi dari aktor-aktor drama Korea sebelum tidur).
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Kemudian tepuk-tepuk pelan ke bagian wajah. Biarkan produk meresap |
3. Serum Concentrate
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#ArtistryMen by Ravi Agustiana |
Gue pake Serum Concentrate ini 1-2 menit setelah Balancing Hydrator. Rasanya enaakkk banget di muka, Gak lengket dan ngeresep cepet diwajah. Gue pake Serum ini di pagi hari sebelum berpergian dan juga malem hari. Dan sedikit tambahin di area bagian mata bawah sebelum tidur.
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#ArtistryMen by Ravi Agustiana |
Setelah 3 minggu pemakaian Serum ini, bagian bawah mata gue sedikit tidak terlihat cape lagi. Wah semoga kedepannya bisa terus samarin kantong mata yang berwarna gelap dan terlihat cape! Amin.
4. Enviving Emulsion
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#ArtistryMen Enviving Emulsion |
Enviving Emulsion adalah pelembab ringan dari rangkaian Artistry Men. Gak seperti pelembab lainnya, Enviving Emulsion ini gak ninggalin kesan berminyak tapi basah. Iya, gue ngerasa sedikit basah (tapi bukan berminyak ya) pas pertama pake Enviving Emulsion. Terus setelah 2-3 menit, langsung meresap dan langsung ninggalin rasa halus di muka.
Gue agak jarang pake Enviving Emulsion ini,karena gue tipe orang yang suka ngelakuin kegiatan diluar ruangan,jadi Concentrate Serum udah cukup ngelembabin muka ko. Tapi Enviving Emulsion cocok banget dipake untuk orang-orang yang banyak menghabiskan waktu di ruangan apalagi ruangan berAC.
Jadi,kira-kira tata urutan gue pake rangkaian produk Artistry Men kaya gini :
Jadi,kira-kira tata urutan gue pake rangkaian produk Artistry Men kaya gini :
Pertama cuci muka menggunakan Gentle Face Wash,
setelah itu gue tuangin sedikit demi sedikit Balancing Hydrator terus ditepuk-tepuk ke wajah + leher,
setelah meresap,baru gue olesin Serum Concentrate.
-MALAM sebelum TIDUR-
Pertama cuci muka pake Gentle Face Wash,
setelah itu gue tuangin sedikit demi sedikit Balancing Hydrator terus ditepuk-tepuk ke wajah + leher,
setelah meresap,baru gue olesin Serum Concentrate,
selain itu juga gue olesin ekstra Serum dibagian bawah mata.
Yang terakhir gue olesin Envinving Emulsion ke seluruh wajah dan leher.
Terimakasih banyak teman-teman sudah membaca cerita gue memakai produk Artistry Men. Semoga bisa membantu temen-temen dan juga kasih informasi buat temen-temen yang mau coba pake produk #ArtistryMen. Oiya produk Artistry ini bisa didapetin di hotline : 021-57980800 atau website : www.amway.co.id
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