Sunday, January 18, 2015

Lagu Camellia II oleh Ebiet G. Ade

Lagu Camellia II oleh Ebiet G. Ade

Ini lagu Ebiet G. Ade penuh makna, dengar deh... bagussss sekali syairnya.

Syair Lagu Camelia oleh Ebiet G. Ade

Gugusan hari-hariIndah bersamamu CameliaBangkitkan kembaliRinduku mengajakku kesana
Inginku berlariMengejar seribu bayangmu CameliaTak peduli kau kuterjangBiar pun harusku tembus padang ilalang
Tiba-tiba langkahku terhentiSejuta tangan telah menahankuIngin kumaki mereka berkataTak perlu kau berlari
Mengejar mimpi yang tak pastiHari ini juga mimpiMaka biarkan ia datangDi hatimu... di hatimu...

Wednesday, January 14, 2015


Hey guys! Whaddup..?!

About a  month a go (before christmas), I was asked by Benakribo to accompany him in making a video review of Acer Smartphone Liquid Jade. It was shot at Bourbon Cafe Mall Alam Sutera. This video was made by Benakribo himself and also Andy Garcia. Well actually, Aulion also accompanied us in the making, but because of something, he didn't appear on the review video but for the GEEKTALKS next series. You can watch the previous series which were featured Ardinhai, Dhino Haryo and also Aulion here.
Indonesia Fashion Blogger, Fashion Blogger Cowo Indonesia, Fashion Blogger Pria Indonesia, Fashion Blogger Cowok.
If you guys followed my Instagram, you probably already knew that I'd been involved in video project with Benakribo.  So, here it is one of the videos : Review Acer Liquid by Benakribo & Ravi Agustiana. Check this out!


Jadi sekitar 1 bulan yang lalu, diajakin Ka Bena untuk ikutan bikin video di Youtube. Ka Bena cuma bilang "Rav,mau gak jadi model di video review Smartphone gitu? Nanti waktu dan lokasinya gue kasih tau ya!" begitulah kurang lebih kata-kata Ka Bena pada saat itu.

Sampe suatu ketika, Ka Bena bilang "Rav, shootingnya besok ya. Boleh minta beberapa pilihan OOTD ga buat besok? Bawa 2 pasang deh ya!" Akhirnya pilhan gue jatuh kepada 2 outfit Preppy and Casual looks. Eh tapi bawa barang2nya sih banyak, ampe bingung udah kaya mau pindah kos'an. LOL!

Rencana awal, yang bakalan ikut bikin video ini adalah Ka Bena, Aulion, Gue dan juga Andy. Disinilah pertama kalinya gue ketemu Ka Andy (Kakakkkk Kakaaakk). Tapi karena Aulion ada jadwal kuliah, jadi dia memutuskan untuk ga jadi ikut.

Pagi sekitar jam 8an, gue sampe ke rumah Kak Bena. Alhamdulillah belum sarapan, eh ditawarin sarapan disana, hahahaha. Setelah sarapan & siap, Gue dan Ka Bena berangkat menuju ke Serpong.

Di perjalanaan menuju Serpong, tiba-tiba sebut-saja-dia-Icha memberi kabar, kalau dia bisa ikut untuk bikin video dikarenakan dosen yang ngisi mata kuliah dia ga masuk (Only God and Aulion know). Jadi sebelum menuju lokasi, kita jemput Aulion dulu di tempat kediaman sementaranya yang dekat dengan kampus Chandraliow (LAH!). Tempat meeting point pun berubah menjadi tempat parkir kediaman sementara Aulion.

Lokasi tempat pembuatan video ini adalah Bourbon Cafe, Mall Alam Sutera. Gue sendiri baru kedua kalinya ke Serpong. Karena lokasinya lumayan cukup jauh.

Keperluan shooting hari ini adalah bikin video tentang review Smartphone keluaran ACER bernama Liquid Jade. Tapi sebelum shoot video review, Ka Bena memanfaatkan waktu yang ada dengan sangat produktif yaitu bikin video GEEKTALKS series #2 atau #3 ya (gue lupa yang keberapa,soalnya belum publish,nanti gue cerita di next post ya). Tapi series #1 udah bisa kalian liat di sini.

Nah sambil nunggu Ka Bena shooting GEEKTALKS next series, gue dan juga saudara kembar sebut-saja-dia-Icha berkeliling Mall Alam Sutera. Oiya sebelumnya gue juga bakalan muncul di GEEKTALKS next series barengan sama Aulion loh~

Indonesia Fashion Blogger, Fashion Blogger Cowo Indonesia, Fashion Blogger Pria Indonesia, Fashion Blogger Cowok.
Indonesia Fashion Blogger, Fashion Blogger Cowo Indonesia, Fashion Blogger Pria Indonesia, Fashion Blogger Cowok.
Indonesia Fashion Blogger, Fashion Blogger Cowo Indonesia, Fashion Blogger Pria Indonesia, Fashion Blogger Cowok.

Abis keliling, gue lanjut untuk bikin video Review Acer Liquid Jade. Untuk shooting kali ini, kita ambil gambar outdoor karena skenarionya, Ka Bena bakalan fotoin gue pake ACER Liquid Jade. Nah,kalau kalian udag liat videonya,yuk liat behind the scene footage yang diambil sama Aulion. ENJOY!

Indonesia Fashion Blogger, Fashion Blogger Cowo Indonesia, Fashion Blogger Pria Indonesia, Fashion Blogger Cowok.

Indonesia Fashion Blogger, Fashion Blogger Cowo Indonesia, Fashion Blogger Pria Indonesia, Fashion Blogger Cowok.

Indonesia Fashion Blogger, Fashion Blogger Cowo Indonesia, Fashion Blogger Pria Indonesia, Fashion Blogger Cowok.

Indonesia Fashion Blogger, Fashion Blogger Cowo Indonesia, Fashion Blogger Pria Indonesia, Fashion Blogger Cowok.

Indonesia Fashion Blogger, Fashion Blogger Cowo Indonesia, Fashion Blogger Pria Indonesia, Fashion Blogger Cowok.

Sunday, January 11, 2015


Hello Guys! Whaddup..?!

Belakangan ini, gue lagi sering pake baju warna item & putih. Atau yang sering banget disebut Monochrome.
Monochrome atau Monokrom berasal dari dua kata, �mono� yang berarti hanya satu, sendiri, & �chrome� yang berarti warna. Sebenernya, istilah Monochrome ini bisa diliat dari beberapa prespektif. Dalam dunia komputer, istilah ini mengarah pada hal-hal yang hanya mampu menampilkan satu warna saja misalnya Biru, Merah, Hijau, dan lainnya. Sedangkan, dalam dunia Photography, istilah ini mengarah pada film dengan warna "Hitam & Putih". (sumber :

Istilah Monochrome yang digunakan dalam dunia Fashion atau Mode, lebih merujuk pada prespektif dalam dunia Photography, yaitu warna Hitam & Putih. Namun, penggunaan warna Abu-Abu dalam Monochrome Fashion ini dinilai sah-sah aja.

Salah satu brand dari London yang terkenal sering pake konsep Monochrome adalah KTZ. KTZ sendiri merupakan singkatan dari Kokon To Zai. Beberapa koleksi KTZ untuk Pria 2015 :
Spring Summer 2015

Fall Winter 2015 

Selain Brand luar, Local Brand di Indonesia juga banyak yang menggunakan konsep Monochrome dalam koleksinya tahun ini. Salah satunya adalah Monstore. Beberapa koleksi Monstore untuk Cowok bisa kalian liat di

Selain Monstore, ada juga Brand dari Bandung bernama Wellborn yang mengusung warna Monochrome dalam koleksi terbaru mereka : Mother Earth. Selengkapnya bisa kalian liat di Website Official Wellborn.

 And here they are, myself in a Monochrome taken by AIINESS


// Shirt : Stanley Adams //
// Layered Jacket : XBXS //
// Silver Rings : WholeSale Shop //
// Black Shield Ring : RainbowSpell Shop //
// Silver Bracelet : (forget) (lol) (don't judge me) //
// Bowtie : iwearbanana //
// Pants : UNIQLO //
// Shoes : Chelsea Boots by FAIRY BERRY Shoes //

Monday, January 5, 2015

2014 Kaleidoscope

Hello Guys! Whaddup..?!

Happy New Year 2015 :)
How many resolutions that you'd achieved in 2014?
Mine? Hmm,still many resolutions from 2013 which haven't achieved in 2014 that I make 'em on list again on 2015 resolutions.
Speaking of resolutions, there were so many things happen back in 2014 in my life. Here they are 6 things that happened in 2014 :

1. Debut as an MC
Yep, this year I'm debuting my self as an MC. It was actually planned that I was going to make a first debut as an MC for charity event, but turned out, I got an opportunity to be one of the MCs for LUKIE BEAT concert (Lunafly and LC9, Kpop Idols) in January 19th. I'm so lucky, aren't I?

I wrote my story of it on my blog that you can read here : LUKIE BEAT LIVE IN CONCERT.
And in case you're wondering, I was supposed to be debuting as an MC in YG Indonesia Charity event (Feb, 11th)

2. Take a part in Jakarta Movement Of Inspirations
One of the highest achievement that happened this year which is finally I got involved in a Musical Drama where I could sing,dance and act at once. I thought it would be easy as I do everyday in the bathroom,but it wasn't. I had a six months training for singing,dancing,acting and also coordinating three of 'em at once.

I had 3 roles in Musikal Sekolahan. First, as a Student, not an ordinary one but as a Good Student Gone Bad because of "Minuman Plus-Plus". And then I involved in "Cita-Cita" scene as an Army. It was kinda hard at first because you know, I had to practice that ARMY attitude, but I did well :p

Last but not least, it was actually not a planned role for me, but because the person who did a role as "Ayah Sekar" couldn't join the Musical, so the role was handed for me. I was struggling too, because Ayah Sekar is a Doctor and a very serious person well in the reality, I am not kinda that person. But I did it well too,because many people (who doesn't know me in person) didn't know that Ayah Sekar and Murid Minuman Plus-Plus were played by one person. I remembered a conversation of spectators said "I love Ayah Sekar, so mature and his voice is handsome (???)" and her friend said "Ah I prefer the Minuman Plus-Plus Student one, because he is so funny." <3

Here it is a clip of Musikal Sekolahan while me being one of Swara Bangsa's Student

Oh yeah, this one is special too because I celebrated my birthday by performing in front of a lot of people and love ones!

3. Get so many hair experiences
This year, I also got a chance to dying my hair (yay!). I try blonde at first.
Gaya Rambut Pria 2015
But it was only took a month (or more)  until I got bored and I went to Lavender Blonde.
Gaya Rambut Pria 2015
And then a few later, the lavender dies~ So I replace it with Red Rose~
Gaya Rambut Pria 2015
The Rose dies, I changed it to Blue Turquoise.
Gaya Rambut Pria 2015
And if you are asking, what my hair color right now is this :
Gaya Rambut Pria 2015
4. Have 3 trips a year
I went to Thailand for Songkran Festival. This was the first time I went abroad without using travel agency.
And then I went holiday to Singapore with and also some creators in INDOVIDGRAM.
Last  but not least a roller coaster trip with my beloved Mom to Hongkong that you can read full here.

5. Go to Jakarta Fashion Week 2014 and Indonesia Fashion Week 2015
Even only as an invitation, I hope I could be a walker on the runway this year. Amin!
When I visited IFW 2014, I didn't have a fashion blogger friend, so I only enjoyed it by myself. But fortunately I got my BA-NA-NA company ^^
Read my story about the IFW 2014 here
Meanwhile when I went to JFW, I got some fashion blogger friends so I wasn't that lonely back then ^^

6. Get featured on official MAZDA website