Friday, December 31, 2010

Welcome 2011

All indications point to 2010 being the safest year on record with the Singapore Armed Forces (SAF) closing the year with no training deaths.

This was achieved in a year when SAF personnel were sent for operational deployments in places such as the Gulf of Aden and South Asia.

The tempo of training exercises in Singapore and abroad has also not abated. The SAF staged some 70 war games over the year with a range of multinational partners. These involved everything from HADR and PSO-type scenarios to combat manoeuvres that allowed the SAF to practice, develop and refine its defence readiness in the air, sea, land and electronic spectrums.

As we push into 2011, we also push the boundaries of chance and probability.

Keeping training accidents at bay demands constant safety first reminders and an unflagging commitment by everyone not to be complacent.

Turning to defence activities, the calendar of events for 2011 includes:
15 February: Total Defence Day commemorates the 69th anniversary of the Fall of Singapore
18 February: Budget Day for WY 2011/12
March: Committee of Supply Debate on the Ministry of Defence (MINDEF) Budget Estimates for WY 2011/12
1 March: Hari Angkatan Darat (Malaysian Army Day)
27 April: Hari TLDM (Royal Malaysian Navy Day)
17 May: IMDEX 2011 naval show 17 to 19 May'11
28-29 May: Republic of Singapore Air Force Open House @ Paya Lebar Air Base.
1 June: Hari TUDM (Royal Malaysian Air Force Day)
3 - 5 June: 10th Asia Security Summit, the Shangri-La Dialogue.
June: NDP CR1
1 July: SAF Day Parade
9 August: National Day Parade organised by the Singapore Combat Engineers
16 September: Hari Angkatan Tentera Malaysia. Malaysian Armed Forces Day
23 - 25 September: Formula 1 Singapore Grand Prix
5 December: Media Preview for LIMA 2011 6 to 10 Dec'11
* 2011 marks the 10th instalment of the Asia Security Summit, which for obvious reasons has never been given an acronym of its own by shorthand loving defence types and is better known as the Shangri-La Dialogue.
The year will also see the 40th anniversary of the Five Power Defence Arrangements (FPDA). Large Eks Bersama Lima war games forecast to commemorate the occasion.

There is also a high likelihood of a General Election this year. Debates over defence and security issues raised should be of interest to defence watchers.

I thank everyone for their continued support, especially the community of Milnuts and plane spotters, as well as other interested parties whose guidance, advice and friendship is much appreciated.

Check Six!

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