Thursday, July 1, 2010

NDP 2010: The Velites

The Velites were light infantry who fought alongside Roman legions thousands of years ago.

These combatants came to mind when I saw the Guard-of-Honour (GOH) contingents march towards the Padang for CR2 last Saturday.

Here are Commandos from the 1st Commando Battalion marching in step.

As the Commandos filed by, they were followed closely by another bunch of assorted auxiliaries or skirmishers...

... known during Roman times as the Velites.

I don't know their role but I'm guessing this is the fatigue party tasked to pick up blank cartridges after the feu-de-joie (fire of joy). If that's the case, can't they make their own way to the Padang rather than tailing the smartly-attired GOH contingents?

The Velites are the last GOH "contingent" spectators see and their riff raff appearance detracts from the pomp and ceremony and the air of formality that the leading GOH contingents radiate.  

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