Tuesday, September 29, 2015

Stylist #SVASTIARI for Upcoming Male Singer

Hey guys!

Watchout for this new upcoming male singer, Fali Wiilmer.

In September, 8th I got a chance to be involved in Fali Wiilmer project for his single photoshoot and also music video. Ini adalah pertama kalinya gue ikut terlibat dalam sebuah photoshoot. Dari mulai konsep fashionnya, image yang mau ditampilkan, hair style dan juga mood board. Sebelumnya, dari #svastiari, I got a job to seek and choose clothes which are going to be worn by Marcell Siahaan yg sebelumnya harus dapet approvaldari Kak Bella (Marcell�s Fashion Stylist) dan juga Kak Ajeng @svastiari.

Ok, back to Fali Wiilmer. He started his career as an artist since he was a kid. And now he is back with new image, new sounds, and new visual.

Indonesia Fashion Blogger, Fashion Blogger Cowo Indonesia, Fashion Blogger Pria Indonesia, Fashion Blogger Cowok, Fashion Stylist
Indonesia Fashion Blogger, Fashion Blogger Cowo Indonesia, Fashion Blogger Pria Indonesia, Fashion Blogger Cowok, Fashion Stylist
The photo shoot and music video shooting started from 11am till 11pm I guess
We made four looks for Fali Wiilmer.
Indonesia Fashion Blogger, Fashion Blogger Cowo Indonesia, Fashion Blogger Pria Indonesia, Fashion Blogger Cowok, Fashion Stylist
Indonesia Fashion Blogger, Fashion Blogger Cowo Indonesia, Fashion Blogger Pria Indonesia, Fashion Blogger Cowok, Fashion Stylist
Indonesia Fashion Blogger, Fashion Blogger Cowo Indonesia, Fashion Blogger Pria Indonesia, Fashion Blogger Cowok, Fashion Stylist
Indonesia Fashion Blogger, Fashion Blogger Cowo Indonesia, Fashion Blogger Pria Indonesia, Fashion Blogger Cowok, Fashion Stylist

And check behind the scene photos after the jump!
Indonesia Fashion Blogger, Fashion Blogger Cowo Indonesia, Fashion Blogger Pria Indonesia, Fashion Blogger Cowok, Fashion Stylist

Indonesia Fashion Blogger, Fashion Blogger Cowo Indonesia, Fashion Blogger Pria Indonesia, Fashion Blogger Cowok, Fashion Stylist
Indonesia Fashion Blogger, Fashion Blogger Cowo Indonesia, Fashion Blogger Pria Indonesia, Fashion Blogger Cowok, Fashion Stylist
Indonesia Fashion Blogger, Fashion Blogger Cowo Indonesia, Fashion Blogger Pria Indonesia, Fashion Blogger Cowok, Fashion Stylist
Indonesia Fashion Blogger, Fashion Blogger Cowo Indonesia, Fashion Blogger Pria Indonesia, Fashion Blogger Cowok, Fashion Stylist

The Team
Photographer                               : Roni Bachroni & The One Photography
MUA                                            : Yati Masamba
Wardrobe & Fashion Stylist       : Bella Gabriella & Ravi Agustiana (#svastiari)

Indonesia Fashion Blogger, Fashion Blogger Cowo Indonesia, Fashion Blogger Pria Indonesia, Fashion Blogger Cowok, Fashion Stylist
Team Up for #SVASTIARI

Indonesia Fashion Blogger, Fashion Blogger Cowo Indonesia, Fashion Blogger Pria Indonesia, Fashion Blogger Cowok, Fashion Stylist

Indonesia Fashion Blogger, Fashion Blogger Cowo Indonesia, Fashion Blogger Pria Indonesia, Fashion Blogger Cowok, Fashion Stylist

Indonesia Fashion Blogger, Fashion Blogger Cowo Indonesia, Fashion Blogger Pria Indonesia, Fashion Blogger Cowok, Fashion Stylist

Thursday, September 24, 2015

4G LTE for All Generation

Hey guys!

One of my dreams is "to watch" a live fashion show. Directly... It's quite simple right?
Gatau kenapa, dulu pas langganan TV kabel (F-Tv) pengen banget nonton fashion show secara langsung. Duduk di kursi paling depan or some of you may call it a front row. Dari nonton American Next Top Model atau fashion show dari brand-brand dunia.

Alhamdulillah tahun kemaren bisa kesampean untuk nonton Jakarta Fashion Week 2015. Yeay! Here they are some photos that I took back then :

Salah satu mimpi gue buat nonton fashion show secara langsung tercapai,tapi kebiasaan untuk nonton fashion show luar di TV sekarang udah ilang :( it's because of the place that I'm living in right now, ga pasang TV kabel :') Padahal New York Fashion Week 2015 is happening right now.

Sampe akhirnya kemaren lagi iseng buka twitter, ada pop advertising tentang aplikasi yg bernama NYFW (New York Fashion Week). Iseng-iseng akhirnya nyoba untuk download dan installaplikasinya di SAMSUNG Galaxy J5.

Jadi, NYFW ini adalah aplikasi yg kasih info update dan foto yg didapet pada saat New York Fashion Week 2015 berlangsung dan juga dilengkapin fitur LIVE Streaming Video dari Brand atau Designer yg lagi ngadain fashion show di New York Fashion Week 2015!

It's really crazy!

You don't have to get a ticket to New York to watch New York Fashion Week 2015 LIVE!

I mean, biasanya kita harus nunggu video itu di edit atau sampe ada yg upload di Youtube tapi sekarang with NYFW application, kita ga perlu terbang ke New York untuk liat New York Fashion Week 2015 karena kita bisa liat langsung fashion show secara live streaming!

Well, seperti yang kita tau juga, untuk bisa nonton LIVE Streaming Video itu butuh koneksi internet yang stabil dan juga cepat. Kadang suka jengkel 'kan kalo tiba-tiba lagi LIVE Streaming terus malah ilang videonya dan nunggu buffering pula.

Itu jadi salah satu alesan beberapa orang males untuk LIVE Streaming.

Eh tapi tunggu dulu, that was my problem before I used SAMSUNG Galaxy J5. Kenapa? Karena SAMSUNG Galaxy J5ini udah bisa pake sinyal 4G! Jadi bisa lancar nonton Live Streaming video. #tunJukkanmomenmu

Mau tau lebih lanjut tentang SAMSUNG Galaxy J5 featured 4G LTE and other features? Click this link below!

What is 4G anyway?

4G (fourth-generation technology) or some people may know it as LTE Advanced merupakan generasi berikut setelah 3G. Kecepatan yang bisa dijangkau sama sinyal 4G itu bisa mencapai 100Mb/detik or it could be more.

Udah banyak provider di Indonesia yang udah 4G. Salah satu provider yg gue pake di handphone untuk sinyal 4G adalah Bolt.

"Mm.. Rav,kalau gak salah Bolt bukannya itu modem ya? Emang bisa di pasang di HP?"

Well,tergantung HPnya sih,kan gue pake SAMSUNG Galaxy J5 :p HP dengan feature dual SIM ini, udah bisa dipasang kartu SIM Card Bolt loh. Karena SAMSUNG Galaxy J5 ini udah didukung sama feature 4G LTE!

Jadi gak ada tuh yang namanya ngadat-ngadat atau buffering pas LIVE Streaming, Youtubing or other Online Watching Video!

Masih penasaran dan butuh info lebih lanjut tentang SAMSUNG Galaxy J5 4G LTE support ini, well you better stalk their social media here :

Twitter:  @samsung_ID
Instagram:  @samsung_id