Saturday, May 24, 2014

Pas foto Makpan SB2014 dan Makmin KEB

Yuk teman2 kita lebih mengenal Makpan SB2014 yang baru lalu bersama Makmin KEB melalui foto yang dibawahnya ada initial namanya, diurut berdasarkan huruf abjad:
  1. Alaika Abdullah?
  2. Dianjeng Laraswati
  3. Dwina? Yusuf
  4. Fadlun Arifin
  5. Haya Aliya Zaki?
  6. Indah Julianti Sibarani?
  7. Irma Susanti?
  8. Khalida Fitri
  9. Maria Citinjaks
  10. Mira Sahid?
  11. Myra Anastasia
  12. Nchie Hanie?
  13. Riski Fitriasari
  14. Sary Melati?
  15. Shinta Ries?
  16. Sumarti Saelan?
  17. Tuning Rahayu
  18. Vema Syafei

Dari kiri ke kanan:

1. Lidya Fitrian, 2. Lies Wahyoeni, 3. Anita Handayani (aku), 4. Uniek Kaswarganti,
5. Nurul Noe, 6. Elisa Koraag, 7. Waya Komala

    Foto Makpon KEB dan Makpan SB2014 lengkap

    Foto  Makpan SB2014 dan Makmin KEB

    Foto asli

    Dari kiri ke kanan bagian depan (yang jongkok):

    1. Tuning Rahayu, 2. Fadlun Arifin?, 3. Maria Citinjaks?, 4. Nchie Hanie?, 5. Haya Aliya Zaki?, 6. Shinta Ries?, 7. Myra Anastasia, 8. Khalida Fitri

    Dari kiri ke kanan bagian belakang (yang berdiri):

    1. Riski Fitriasari, 2. Sumarti Saelan?, 3. Irma Susanti?, 4. Vema Syafei 5. Alaika Abdullah?, 6. Indah Julianti Sibarani?, 7. Sary Melati?, 8. Mira Sahid?, 9. Dwina?, 10. Dianjeng Laraswati H.
    Foto setelah di Adjust

    Teman2 bagusan mana ya tampilan Foto Aslinya atau Foto setelah di Adjustment?  Kalau dilihat dalam ukuran kecil kelihatan sama saja ya? Nah kalau dilihat dalam ukuran besar baru deh kelihatan bedanya :-)

    Ini saya kirimkan foto Makpon KEB, Makpan SB2014 lengkap hihihi.... cantik2 ya...., Ayoooo.... kita absen ya.... bantu saya ya teman2.  Aduh semua manglingi lho. (Ini foto asli bidikan kamera yang saya miliki, belum di adjust, suami saya yang jadi juru kekernya).  Foto ini diambil sebelum acara penganugerahan Srikandi Blogger 2014 dimulai pada tanggal 9 Maret 2014 bertempat di Museum Gajah Jakarta.

    Dari kiri ke kanan bagian depan (yang jongkok):

    1. Tuning Rahayu
    2. Fadlun Arifin?
    3. Maria Citinjaks?
    4. Nchie Hanie?
    5. Haya Aliya Zaki?
    6. Shinta Ries?
    7. Myra Anastasia
    8. Khalida Fitri

    Tuning Rahayu
    Fadlun Arifin
    Maria Citinjak
    Nchie Hanie?
    Haya Aliya Zaki?
    Shinta Ries
    Myra Anastasia
    Khalida Fitri

    Dari kiri ke kanan bagian belakang (yang berdiri):

    1. Riski Fitriasari
    2. Sumarti Saelan?
    3. Irma Susanti?
    4. Vema Syafei
    5. Alaika Abdullah?
    6. Indah Julianti Sibarani?
    7. Sary Melati?
    8. Mira Sahid?
    9. Dwina?
    10. Diadjeng Laraswati H.

    Riski Firiasari
    Sumarti Saelan
    Irma Susanti
    Vema Syafei
    Alaika Abdullah
    Indah Julianti Sibarani?
    Sary Melati
    Mira Sahid
    Dwina Yusuf
    Diadjeng Laraswati H.

    Yes.... akhirnya semua nama lengkap sudah terisi datanya, hanya memerlukan waktu 2 jam setelah saya upload di fb lho.....

    Terimakasih buat Mak Isti'adzah Rohyati yang mengisi data yang kosong, yang duduk no. 1 di kiri depan, yaitu Mak Tuning Rahayu.

    Terimakasih buat Mak Diadjeng Laraswati H  yang mengisi data yang kosong, yang berdiri no. 4 dari kiri, yaitu Mak Vema Syafei.

    Terimakasih buat Ketua Makpan  Haya Aliya Zaki,  yang mengisi data yang kosong, yang berdiri no. 1 dari kiri, yaitu Mak Riski Fitriasari.

    Terimakasih Mak Khalida Fitri atas ralatnya, mohon ma'af saya salah mengisinya semula saya isi Winny Widyawati, seharusnya adalah nama dirimu ya Mak :-)



    Ketua: Haya Aliya Zaki

    Sekretaris: Riski Fitriasari

    Bendahara: Diadjeng Laraswati

    Proposal: Alaika Abdullah, Dina Begum

    Acara: Fadlun Arifin

    Desain: Shinta Ries

    Humas dan Publikasi: Myra Anastasia, Alaika Abdullah, Nchie Hanie, Octaviani Nur Hasanah

    Logistik: Khalida Fitri

    Konsumsi: Dwina Yusuf

    Dokumentasi: Maria Citinjaks

    Kinerja Makpan didukung penuh oleh para Makmin, yakni Mira Sahid, Indah Julianti Sibarani, Sary Melati, Sumarti Saelan, Irma Susanti, Lusiana Trisnasari, Carolina Ratri, Vema Syafei

    Copyright � Anita Handayani

    Thursday, May 22, 2014

    Header Spesial

    Hari ini aku bahagia sekali, mendapat Header Spesial dari Mbak Lala.  Aku harus segera mengganti warna blog ini sesuai dengan Color Scheme tersebut

    Monday, May 12, 2014

    1st Year Aniversarry of Me with BA-NA-NA

    Halo Everyone!!

    Fiuhhhh, what a busy month for the last semester student like me having my final task. If you guys are the last students too, maybe you know how I feel right now. So, last night I was having my sleeping trouble then I opened my facebook. Oh gosh, it's been a long time since the last time I "kepo" on my facebook.

    I didn't know why but I opened BA-NA-NA facebook page last night. And I saw the pictures that'd been posted by BA-NA-NA. And woah, I found a picture of me with the rest of the BA-NA-NA Ambassadors for the first time we were doing the photoshoot (Cita-Cita Edition).

    I was having my moment to recall the memories of it. Ok, I will tell you a story, the first time I joined the audition or casting (you named it) for BA-NA-NA Brand Ambassadors.

    It started when I was in my class hanging out with my friends cuz we got no lecturer. And my friend said "Eh Rav, iwearbanana lagi buka audisi buat jadi Brand Ambassador mereka. Lo ikutan gih!" and I was like, was she offering me to go on audition for a fruit or me wearing a banana? Cause back then I was completely clueless about what iwearbanana is. And she told me that iwearbanana is a brand of a clothing line. She adored one of the shoes, Megan Foxy and she said to me that if I could make it happen (be one of the Brand Ambassadors) she was hoping that she could get one for free from me.

    By the time I arrived in my dormitory, I googled and searched about what iwearbanana is. Long time short, I found that this creativity of the products was blowing my mind. The tees had twisted simple typography designs and the shoes were completely adorable. And I was like "hey Ravi, why don't ya give it a try? A failure won't hurt, but if you could pass then the happiness would be the greatest!".

    Then I filled the form about my self. I could write the basic info so easily, because I wrote it often for another audition that I participated (and fail..) but when it came to last question which was telling me about yourself, I was about to tell something that could fit for the standard of Indonesian. But there was someone or something like I dunno a whisper (maybe) that told me "hey Ravi, have you learned something from writing or answering that kind of question from the failing audition / casting? Why don't you writing down story that completely showing your uniqueness, be who you are? You are not only offering your self as Indonesian right? You are representing your self!"

    And I deleted the answer that I wrote down so perfectly and replacing it with something new, someone that's me. It was so silly to read but hey I should be proud of my self. Sorry that I couldn't share the answer here cause the file is already gone :(( Oh yeah, after filled the form,I attached 2 photos of me to complete the form. It was sent by e-mail.

    Day by day passed,but I hadn't received the reply so I guessed that I didn't make it. Until one night I received an e-mail from Vendryana. And I was like "woaahh! who is she saying congratulation? for what?". I opened it up and that she through that e-mail informed that I was chosen for one of the BA-NA-NA Ambassadors!! There were 6 people who passed the audition (3 boys and 3 girls but too bad Natasha can't come in the 1st photoshoot). You have no idea how happy and grateful I was back then. And yeah, the first person that I told about this was my friend who told and suggested me to join the audition.

    I contacted all the ambassadors through e-mail to congratulate them and ask their twitter accounts. Cause I felt that I had to make a relationship between the ambassador first before making it with the founders.

    The day had come,we were going to have the first photoshoot on Sunday (if I'm not mistaken) May 12nd or 5th. And by that time I was informed, I was planning to take a train come back to my hometown. So, I brought my big luggage to the photo set. I was doing 2 tees photo shoot, Power Rangers long sleeves and Besok Senin long sleeves too. We were published officially as BA-NA-NA's Brand Ambassadors on May 13th

    We had so much fun on set, but not only on set. We were having a lot of fun beside doing the photoshoot. A lot of stories that maybe I would share through this blog later.

    sharing with the kids in Rumah Singgah Melodi

    at Jakcloth 2013

    with some of Rumah Singgah Melodies kids + BA-NA-NA Family

    I was serving the customer but they were all striking a pose #smh

    1st BA-NA-NA Anniversary, theme : ARMY

    Last but not least, thank you so much for this great opportunity and trust that is given for me. And also for accepting as my self to be one of people that represent iwearbanan. I've been very grateful since day one till now that I could now every single one of you, Ka Bintang, Ka Bena, Ka Vendryana, Gerry, Nanda, Natasha, Syani and also Dian+Irfan (even we spent just a lil time) and all of the people that I know from BA-NA-NA family, I wanna say THANK YOU GUYS I LOVE YOU and cannot wait to have another amazing year with you all.
