Happy Chinese New Year!
Some of you may be asking what is the connection of my post title, between Suwe Ora Jamu (Javanese) + Gong Xi (Chinese). Well, Suwe Ora Jamu that I write isn't a sentence but a place. Yes! Suwe Ora Jamu is a Jamu (Indonesian Traditional Drinks) Cafe, served with modern touch taste and vintage atmosphere. I was very happy when Kak Bintang (check her blog here) asked me to accompany her to do a photo session there. We were having a fun time! As I said before (modern touch taste), Suwe Ora Jamu isn't only serving hot drinks but also the cold ones just like I had tried, Green Tamarind (mustard greens mixed with tamarind) and unexpectedly it tasted really good! Speaking of good things, the photos turned into good pictures. Ah,thank you so much Kak Bintang ^^ Please invite me more to do a collaboration ya :))
For those who interest with Suwe Ora Jamu Cafe, you can visit :
Suwe Ora Jamu Cafe
Jl. Petogongan No. 28, Kramat Pela, Gandaria Utara, Kebayoran Lam
(021) 72790590
Mon - Sun 10:00 - 22:00So,where is the "Gong Xi" part of this post?
You can find out by read this full post + experience in Suwe Ora Jamu + the details here :
Mega Mendung 3D Batik Spiked Blazer : RAVIAGUSTIANA's //
VIP t shirt : BaNaNa //
Gold Knight Ring : RainbowSpell Shop //
Customized Clear Sole Boots : Fairy Berry.
and here it is the "Gong Xi" part.....well with a little it melancholy part I guess
Untuk yang merayakan Hari Tahun Baru Cina, saya mengucapkan "GONG XI FA CAI! Wishing you a wonderful and prosperous new year with lots of happiness."